About Us
Southern Pine Needles services in North Carolina, Virginia, South Carolina, and Tennessee. Along with quality pine needle, we ensure that your finished product is edged, spread, and cleaned. We offer competitive pricing with volume discounts. We strive to ensure that our company is professional as well as organized. We stabilize our installation cost and maximize your manpower. Pruning services are also available.
SPN of NC was founded by the late Logan Porter lll of High Point, NC. After having started and run several small companies, Mr. Porter found success in 1991 in the field of pine-straw harvesting, sales and distribution. He dedicated the following years to build several successful companies around this industry. After his passing, his son Logan Porter IV kept the business flowing and still excels to do so each day.
Chad Agner- Field Ops
Chad was born and raised in Greensboro, North Carolina. He has been with Southern Pine Needles for 8 years. Chad started with the company as a local truck driver then transitioned into a bigger role managing field operations.
Chad takes pride in his wife and his 4 wonderful children. On the weekends you can find Chad hunting, riding his motorcycle, or spending time with his family.

Jack Stephens - Account Manager
Jack is a Greensboro, NC native and our most recent addition to the Southern Pine Needles team. Jack graduated from Appalachian State University in December, 2022 with a BSBA in Finance and Banking.
Jack understands the importance of developing and maintaining relationships and strives to learn something new every day. In his free time you can find Jack listening to music and exploring the outdoors.

Diane Tilley- Office Manager
Diane was born and raised in Harts, West Virginia. She has been with Southern Pine Needles for about 5 years.
Diane has numerous hobbies that she dabbles in. She is proud to call herself an author and excels in it. She also was involved in Real Estate for a portion of her life. Diane loves spending time with her husband and grandchildren.

Ricky Calhoun- Operations Manager
Born and raised in McLeansville, North Carolina, Ricky has always been the go to guy. Ricky has been with Southern Pine Needles for 15 years. Ricky also has his Private Pesticide License through the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Ricky takes pride in his achievements with the United States Marine Corps. He served 10 years before coming back home to start his family.